G A L L E R Y   O F F E A T U R E D   P R O J E C T S
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HOSPITALITY DEVELOPMENT: Perhaps there is no greater example of real estate reaching its potential than an oceanfront resort in the prime environs of Southern California. Yet this is just one example of The Robert Mayer Corporation’s storied success in the hospitality industry. It’s a level of success achieved not by merely building beautiful hotels, but by understanding the capital costs, operational requirements and financial implications of every aspect of the property in order to create a successful business. Our staff has the capabilities to entitle land for hotel use, supervise the design from conceptual plans to construction documents, negotiate brand franchise agreements, obtain construction and permanent financing, manage all phases of construction and furnishing, and provide daily hotel management.
H Y A T T    R E G E N C Y R e s o r t   &   S p a W A T E R T A B L E R e s t a u r a n t E X P A N S I O N   OF The Waterfront Beach Resort L A   Q U I N T A Mixed-Use Commercial L A G U N A   W O O D S S e n i o r s   R e s i d e n t i a l M E R A N O R e s i d e n t i a l R A N C H O   M I R A G E M i x e d - U s e W E S T E R N  R I V E R S I D E Master Planned Community HOME ABOUT MANAGEMENT SERVICES ENTITLEMENTS HOSPITALITY DEVELOPMENT T H E   W A T E R F R O N T Beach Resort, a Hilton hotel T H E   W A T E R F R O N T R e s i d e n t i a l HOSPITALITY